
Established in 2009, IRT Advisory is a highly regarded boutique Insolvency, Restructuring, Turnaround and advisory practice, acting with Integrity, Respect and Trust toward all stakeholders of the companies we administer and act for.

We have worked with numerous company owners and directors, their advisors and other stakeholders to identify and implement effective, economical solutions to promote business cash flow, reconstitute the balance sheets of companies burdened with legacy debt and resolve liquidity and solvency issues.

Our Senior People

Director & Principal

Andrew Poulter

Andrew has been working with the owners and creditors of distressed businesses for more than 30 years.

He has 25 years of experience as an insolvency, reconstruction and business turnaround professional. After working for two major firms from 1997 to 2006, Andrew commenced IRT Advisory and has since been appointed as external administrator to hundreds of companies in diverse industries Australia wide.

Andrew is a registered liquidator, a Fellow of CPA Australia and a full member of the Australian Restructuring, Insolvency and Turnaround Association (ARITA).

Andrew undertakes both creditor- and debtor-initiated insolvency appointments, and reconstruction and turnaround engagements. He is supported by a dedicated team of experts.


Stan Traianedes

Following senior positions in large accounting practices between 1998 and 2008, Stan conducted his own insolvency and reconstruction practice until 2017, when he joined IRT Advisory as a consultant. Stan brings over 25 years’ senior commercial practice in corporate reconstruction and insolvency with experience in many industry sectors. He is a Fellow of CPA Australia.

Stan has a hands-on approach, working closely with clients to give practical advice and develop cost-effective solutions for business owners experiencing tough times. Stan provides clients with a clear understanding of the legal and financial issues that affect the performance and success of their businesses.

We are best outcome-focussed

In both voluntary and creditor-initiated appointments, we utilise all the tools available to optimise outcomes to all stakeholders of the companies we administer or act for.

We’re boutique but flexible

Although IRT Advisory is a Melbourne based reconstruction and advisory practice, we have the flexibility to accept appointments anywhere in Australia. If an appointment is required in New Zealand, we work in association with our partners in Auckland, Wellington and Christchurch. We’re boutique and proud of it. We don’t pretend to be bigger than we really are by having virtual offices in every state capital. But we’re still able to provide the high levels of service and expertise that our clients, referrers and stakeholders expect from us, wherever needed. Being small gives us the flexibility to adapt to any situation in which we may be called upon to assist.


Our approach

We conduct ourselves with the highest standards of ethics and integrity. We will give you our honest opinion of your circumstances and the options available, without sugar coating.

We won’t mislead you by forecasting unrealistic outcomes from a proposed appointment or turnaround engagement.

We’re open and honest about the types of advice we can provide and your possible exposure as the director of a company that may be insolvent. We will let you know when we cannot provide advice on a particular issue, and the reasons why. If we believe you need advice that we cannot provide, we’ll recommend you obtain that advice elsewhere, from an independent professional.

Importance of quality advice

For the SME business operator facing hard times, it is vitally important to obtain information and advice that is correct, timely, transparent and honest – ‘warts and all’ – so you have the best possible understanding of your options and what to expect if you take a specific course of action.

Importance of early action

When a business gets into financial difficulty, the dangers of waiting too long before seeking and acting on quality advice cannot be over-emphasised.